Keychain CHILLI GO Drops

Keychain CHILLI GO Drops

Produkt-Bewertung: 4.6/5 (5x)

Ihre Bewertung:


For the keychain choose Chilli drops or if you already have chilli drops 20ml, you can also choose an empty one. Don't have the right hot chili on hand when traveling or visiting a restaurant? Hang a keychain with a 20ml bottle of chilli drops on your bag, keys, belt, or put it in your bag - you'll always have chilli close at hand with you.

2,90 EUR inkl MWSt.

2,90 EUR inkl MWSt.


1 ks x 1
= 1
  2,90 EUR

Lagerstatus: auf Lager
Liefertermin: Donnerstag 23.5.2024

Produzent: Chilli Manufaktura

CHILLI GO keychain for 20ml chilli drops

  • 1x durable textile neoprene bag with print designed for 20ml chilli drops
  • if you don't have a bottle of chilli drops 20ml yet, you can order it according to your choice

Use: hanging the key ring on a bag, keys, belt, etc. It is possible to hand wash with normal detergent.

Dimensions: 10x60 mm

Packaging: 1 bag (key chain)




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